
Watermelon sugar high

for Lyric



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
08-25-2020, 11:14 AM
Ásvor has never been the most selfless of wolves, but the aging female knew there was valuable in interacting with strangers. Teaching was not a one-way process, as much as her younger self would've argued it was. In teaching something to a complete stranger she was learning how her own mind worked, as well as learning how to teach in general. The lesson was as valuable to her as it was to Lyric, even if the benefits to herself weren't as immediately obvious.

"It's a bit messy, so I'm not sure how practical that would be," she added, as an afterthought to her comment about using it for burns. Just eating it was one thing, but coating an injury in it? She wasn't sure just how well that would actually work, for both the patient as well as the one tending to the injury. For a moment she cast a glance to the stranger, noting he seemed quiet, though pensive rather than disinterested. If he had no interest she wouldn't have bothered demonstrating this to him, but clearly he did. Likewise he accepted her herb without hesitation, and though she considered for a moment if she ought to remind him that accepting foreign substances from stranger wasn't always wise - but she reminded herself that she wasn't his mother. His well-being wasn't her concern, and either way the herb really was lavender, and would have no effects beyond the mildest relaxation.

Lyric Destruction was his name. Interesting. The Destruction family was one widely known all across the continent, and even she had encountered a few Destruction wolves in her time. "And I'm Ásvor Finnvi. If you ever need anything - related to healing, that is - just give me a call. I live west of here, past the big forest. You'll see a big, flat plain with a stretch of hills just beyond. My pack lives there." Why she was feeling so open to giving lessons, Ásvor wasn't quite sure, but it'd been a long time since she'd really spoken to her others about her craft and she wanted to continue, even if the wolf was not a Fireside member.