
Where Flowers Bloom




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-25-2020, 11:23 PM

As Meadow looks up at Indigo, heart full of love, her smile is warm and heartfelt. As they work and she hums, she keeps looking over to him and offering encouraging smiles. She is extremely grateful to be welcomed so completely by Indigo. He hums for her and her smile increases every second she is with him. Indigo does not say much but with every gesture, every word that he speaks, Meadow sees a brilliant soul shinning in him. The love that resides in him is limitless and he shares it with her. Eyes sparkle with happiness as she continues to work.

Once they move to the next step, mixing the dirt and compost to place and gently pack into each hole, Meadow listens intently as Indigo explains that his dad built the greenhouse. When he speaks of his sister and his mother, the smaller wolf nods and offers him a warm smile. His voice is soft and she leans toward him offering a wink. Looking around, as if she is about to tell a secret, even though she is some distance away, and says, “You know what my mother use to call me? I was her fish. Because I love water so much and could swim for hours.” A laugh floats out and she smiles fondly at the memory.

Continuing to work, filling one hole at a time, she ponders what he shared and tells him, “I think that is wonderful that your sister and father helped make this place what it is. A piece of them will always reside here, with you.” The smile is bright and happy as she watches her paws gently pack the earth on the newest hole. The feel of the dirt and, yes even the compost, on her paws makes the small wolf feel alive and rejuvenated. She inhales deeply the scents of everything around her, the possibilities, the potential of what is to come. Memorizing each smell and movement, she stores them away in a file of happy memories.

After they are all ready, Meadow moves back over to Indigo’s side. “Okay! Time for the water! I can help you fetch some, if you like.” Tail wags slowly behind her, seeing progress in their work and enjoying her time with Indigo brings out the joy in her. While it is true that he is much taller than Meadow and can probably carry enough water in one trip for all of the flowers, even the ones yet to plant, the small female still wants to be helpful. It is her curse, to always strive to be useful, wanted and needed. Maybe one day she will see the truth that is right in front of her face.

She has always been all of those things.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm