
Tell the World



09-01-2013, 05:16 PM

The fall was a beautiful season, its leaves slightly turning crisp and golden. The temperature drops a few degrees- it was prefect. The brute would stay layed upon the back, listening to Haku's words about how Aria had a near death experience, sounds about right. A smile couldn't help but tug among his lips, the way she'd act all innocent. Siarvon could hear them edging closer until finally Foot steps quickened and Aria was in his sights. Her bubbly, excitable mood never failed to please him.

A Scent would swipe his nose, which would draw all the males in, she was in season and yet, Haku seemed rather calm. Shaking the large cranium the russet knight would regain focus, Aria seemed like she didn't know of the circumstance and she should be careful incase one decides to attack " Sar? You've still kept that nickname huh?" With a chuckle Siarvon would stand back to his regular height, slightly towering over the beta. Shaking the Pelt he'd glance over to Haku, whom he wasn't quite sure would welcome him quite so much.

Taking a step towards the woman he'd examine her closely, her welcoming scent hard to resist " Id love to join, its not like I was moving clouds or anything." His Italian accent would trace her lobes in an almost whisper, before greeting Haku before carrying on " So a near death experience? what did you do, try jumping of a cliff or getting into a fight with a bear?" The list could go on, and on and on. But Siarvon decided to end it there an let the two answer.