
when a stranger calls

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
08-26-2020, 03:44 PM

His concerns were only compounded upon. He flashed Daelos an easy smile as she arrived, but his heavy concern was visible as he studied the girl from the Armada. He hadn’t missed her study of him. He was kind, not unobservant or stupid. He had also spent time with the Warlord, enough to have a decent guess of the man’s temperament and likely immediate thoughts when his adopted daughter suddenly vanished and he knew she and Cairo were friends.

“I truly wish I could say otherwise, but I have not seen her since a little before the festival. But we parted amiably and she headed home. We heard the raid on Aerie next door shortly after, maybe a week? I wondered if she’d been asked to remain at the Armada to attend to duties instead of getting to attend the festival, because she was genuinely interested in going. She was the one to suggest a story night.” There was true worry, a genuine regret in his voice. What had happened in that time?

His gaze hardened as he looked into her silver eyes. “I admit to being curious. Malalia is Sirius’ daughter and his Reaper. She is one of the most important wolves in the Armada. So why has he sent a literal stranger to Valhalla’s borders, someone we are less likely to trust due to a lack of familiarity, and who has not even introduced herself? I find myself a bit insulted for her. Surely, he could have sent Mortis. She’s his best friend, too, and his sister. And I can imagine that he’s worrying himself ragged. A trip here to ask would have given him something to focus on. To feel like he’s doing something.”

It was something he would have deeply appreciated when Meri had first gone missing. But Artur had been given that task, though Cai had he doubts that Artur had truly been unaware initially where their brother was at the time of the eruption. Cairo had settled for training as hard as he could as a distraction, and as a preparation if they needed to rescue Meri.

He studied her as he considered the bits and pieces that he knew of Malalia’s past. He’d never pressured her to tell him about it, only accepted what she willingly divulged. Was there an answer in those bits and pieces? Was her disappearance linked to those?

He flicked a glance to Daelos, nodding in invitation. “This is one of our healers. She can help you with the burn on your skin. I’d deeply suggest you travel at night for a while to avoid worsening the burns. You can get sick from them if they get bad enough.”

His lack of a full introduction was a partial warning to Daelos to give as little about Valhalla to this girl as she could. Chrystal settled on his back, talons squeezing bracingly. She wasn’t a trusting individual to begin with, and she shared his reservations whole-heartedly. However, while he had reservations, his eyes and voice were genuinely helpful, his compassionate nature obvious. The Koi-marked Armadan was young, a yearling girl, and while he might not trust her as he might Mortis or even Sirius, he didn't like the thought of her falling ill to a severe sunburn.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think