
Care to spin a yarn?




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-26-2020, 06:38 PM

He appreciated his cousin's humor about the decapitation. He certainly hadn't imagined that Cairo necessarily enjoyed taking off deer heads so to speak and he understood that it was a necessary and helpful part of the process... it just wasn't something he was used to so it took him by surprise. Ulric assisted Cairo whenever he could as his cousin went to work skinning the animal, but for the most part he sat back and listened. It was all incredibly informative and he was really impressed with Cairo's skill at this. He wasn't sure how often he would need to go this in depth with breaking down a kill, but he was sure that he would find a reason to need to get the hide off of an animal again at some point. If his first attempts at armor making didn't go as planed then he'd certainly have to get more materials to try again some how.

It was all interesting and unusual bits of information that he wasn't sure he would have a way to learn otherwise so he was happy they crossed paths and he was getting this impromptu lesson. The bit about packing the body cavity with snow to keep it fresh longer made him made a soft hum of interest, his head tipping thoughtfully to the side. He was always trying to figure out how to keep his kills fresher since he didn't need this much meat all at once usually. Of course that wasn't necessarily the case any more now that he was living with his mother, nieces, and Azariah, but it never hurt to have those extra tips all the same. Drying meat only got him so far and chewing on the jerky it turned into wasn't always quite as pleasant as the fresh stuff. Of course he had no idea where he would get snow around the mangroves... but it was an idea ll the same.

"How do you get the skin from this state to how you would use it to make armor?" He was sure that the process to make leather wasn't as simple as just laying it out in the sun and letting it dry out so he was very interested to see what actually went into that process.
