
take the heart you thought you had


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
08-26-2020, 06:39 PM

Hanako wiggled with pride. Ha! They were neck and neck now, one more win and she'd be the mistress of the universe! Or so she liked to think, they'd never decided that it was out of three but Hanako was too busy riding her victory high to get caught up in the pedantics. When Mortis stated that the fish was called lunch she let out a frankly very unladylike like snort, like she'd magically transformed into a boar without either of them noticing. It was a bad joke, awful and terrible and Hanako would have kicked sand at him if she didn't worry some might get in his eyes.

At his question Hanako smirked, all smarmy and clever with narrowed, squinty eyes like a cat. She said nothing but let her eyes do the talking, conveying a very sneaky "perhaps" as she watched him. She kept up the facade for a moment only to grin when she saw him take a big bite and lick his lips once he'd savoured the taste. She already knew the verdict before he spoke, his expression would have surely changed, twisted into a look of disgust or repulsion. Instead he shrugged and claimed that it was tasty, spurring Hanako to step close and try a bite for herself. Yeah, it was pretty good if she did say so herself. Soft and succulent, thicker than the usual stringy meat she'd seen Toshi monching on.

By the time she was done the white of her muzzle was stained red. Stepping back to the water, she washed up and used her paws to wipe away the stubborn stains that wouldn't budge without a bit of elbow grease. With a flick of her tail she beckoned Mortis to come over and do the same, it was harder to see since his muzzle was darker than hers but he'd still made a mess of himself.

"Wash that face or I will." It was an empty threat, well mostly.

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