
Starting fires wherever we go




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-26-2020, 06:51 PM

A playful grin pulled at his lips when she poked fun at the fact that he had ended up bloody in his attempt to join the pack while she had walked away from her test to be a warrior completely fine. Before he could retaliate with a snark filled comment of his own, he saw her expression change and then heard the concern that perhaps they had gone easy on her because she was a woman. He was very quick to shake his head, denying that possibility entirely. "No, not a chance! Someone like Sirius would only let the best and strongest in his pack, I can tell." Of course he had no way to know that for certain, but from what he could tell so far that seemed to be the case. He thought about the time that he had fought a lion with Resin and she had certainly proven to be an even more ferocious fighter than he was. His grin returned and he added, "When you get as big and heavy footed as me, it's pretty easy to get clumsy and end up falling into sharp things. Plus, I'm an awfully big target." It was a self deprecating joke, but he hoped it would help her understand that it wasn't at all about her or her gender at all - it was mostly just about his inability to dodge and Azure's ruthless fighting style.

With a chuckle he pulled himself to his paws, making sure to lean slightly to his uninjured side so that he wouldn't put too much pressure on his recently treated shoulder. "Well, Sedna, this has been wonderful. I think I might go lay down and rest for a while. Thank you again for helping me out, I really appreciate it. Maybe we can have a bit of a spar once I'm all healed up... I promise I won't go easy on you." He gave her a grin and a playful wink, just to drive home that he was poking fun with the comment.
