
Must have been the wind




3 Years

08-26-2020, 08:47 PM

she watched the whirlwind of emotions the women displayed, tied into them with strong curiosity. she had been along for so long, all of the twists and turns of communication seemed so odd to her. it was terrifying, and exciting all in one go. but as the rabbit was moved to roza's side, it didn't seem as frightening anymore. a obvious shift of her frame, like she had settled into the idea of being allowed here.

ru.. what does it mean? she listened, pulling in every word roza had to say, but still she desired the answer from ru. do you want a mother, farrah? the question pulled the tips of her ears back, taking the quick moment to remember to gentle women who cleaned her ears. who hid her away when trouble came calling. this women in front of her was not she.. but could she still be her mother? she was offering, or somewhat, deciding that was what she was going to be. farrah's head turned, looking towards ulric in question. would be care? was some part of this going to upset him? would her concern of upsetting him upset her? eye tugging back towards roza, but frame unmoving.

that was until a wiggle set into her hind, too overwhelmed by the fluttering within her stomach. a display of happiness on many levels, for many things. that her present was acceptable. that she was being welcomed and offered space to take over. ru we can stay here? right? right?! her body stood, paws pattering against the ground waiting for both an answer from him and trying to decide what to do with herself. ... we can visit, sure.. the hesitation was clear in his tone, but she displayed no negative reaction as her body surged forward.

to take into the similar action she had greeted ulric, seeking to press her nose against roza's cheek. but it would only be for a moment, turning herself around to puff out her chest. making her way back to ulric as if to say. i did it. mother liked my gift.


blind in her left eye. words rarely spoken. yet a voice within her head.

[ f a r r a h ]
a maybe baby