
No rock unturned

Naiche - search party


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-26-2020, 11:27 PM

She was glad she had decided to have Naiche accompany her for the southern portion of their search. She knew he enjoyed the exploration of it as much as she did and his yearling endurance helped encourage her to keep going. She was in very good shape and certainly didn't have a problem with the long distances they were traveling, but she couldn't deny that she was a fair bit older than he was and he certainly had that energy that you only had when you were that age. None of the less, she had taken a liking to him since the day that he had joined her on a patrol and he was proving to be a good traveling companion.

Her gaze shifted away from the landscape and landed on his pale tan form when he questioned her for more information on Malalia. Of course, she had forgotten that he probably hadn't been a part of the Armada long enough to know her since she had been missing for a good amount of time now. "Of course," she agreed easily with a small nod. "She's just a tad shorter than me, about the same build. Her fur is a mix of tan, gray, and cream and she has green eyes. If I remember correctly she had a silver bracelet on her back leg that she wore all the time it seemed like." If she was being honest, she really hadn't known Malalia all that well either besides the few times that their positions in the pack crossed over.

"I'm really surprised that she just disappeared," Tamsyn mused as she turned her mint eyes back over the landscape. The cedar trees made it feel like a completely different world from the plains that they lived in normally and she was pretty sure she hadn't really seen any pine trees like these since her adventures through the north with Natha. "She and I both competed for the Reaper position and at least during that competition she had seemed extremely motivated and hard working. She ended up winning and I was put as General for coming in second place... I hope she's okay."

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