
Count your blessings




3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
08-27-2020, 10:42 AM

Sedna? Askan squinted in thought as he tried to recall her name and face, he was pretty certain he'd met her before at some point or another but he was too proud, or stubborn, to say so. If he gave her an inch she'd end up gaining a mile, that's just how Archers were. Instead he sneered at her next words, ears flicking as though he didn't care to listen to what she had to say. It was all Archer mockery, blatant and obtrusive but never quite enough to warrant outright punishment. Somehow they just knew where the line was and instead of crossing it like so many had foolishly done before them, the Archers walked it like a tight rope, clearly enjoying the sense of thrill and amusement it provided them. Askan was certain it'd be their down fall one day, if a crusade was called for then they'd have no one else to blame. Till then the Archers would no doubt continue to poke and prod, like scavenging crows.

Not that he wasn't tempted to bite her muzzle shut, when she spoke it was as though she'd stolen her Mother's voice, all clever and smarmy. She'd have to watch herself though, Askan wasn't a patient or forgiving soul and if she pushed the wrong buttons she'd earn herself a slice of self righteous Selwyn fury. Askan harrumphed, clearly not fond on the topic. But of course she already knew that.

"He's fine. But I imagine your kin would do well to pay their respects, it's his birthday soon. " Another bit of pompous Emirate fanfare he loathed but oh how his Father was fond of showing off how his will be done. But more importantly... "How's Lenae?"

Saints above he missed her. The only one of his sisters who's company he could stand, enjoy even. There was something so soft and gentle about her, as though she loved every part of him, flaws and all. The day Askan had learned of her betrothal to an Archer boy was the day he truly began to loathe them, taking away the one sibling who actually- Askan sighed. It wasn't as if Lenae had been dragged away kicking and screaming, she'd been far too eager for the marriage and had quickly fallen head over heels for him. That was her problem, she loved too much and too fast. The closest to a Saint on earth he'd ever seen.

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