



6 Years
08-27-2020, 06:24 PM

Skælingr worked diligently. Pausing only when he heard a high pitched voice offering to help and suddenly there was a tiny child right next to him. Where on earth had she come from?! He glanced around for a moment then set his rock down. As he did so she leaned back on her hind legs to show her dexterous paws. He was a bit concerned that he didn't see the girls parents. He certainly didn't want to get in trouble but then it seemed pups were running all over the place. Likely the mother was relaxing nearby and getting some rest while keeping an eye on things. "Well, if you want to help we do have plenty of yucca leaves." He picked up an untouched one and set it down near her but still on the stone. He chuckled at the thought of tea. "Well… I suppose you could make tea out of it but we're making rope. See these fibers?" He ran his claws down the paler, stringy bits of the leaf. "We're using the rocks to break up the green squishy stuff we don't want and then we'll scrape it off so we can use the fibers to make rope."

Skælingr moved to demonstrate. Once the yucca leaf was mashed and the leaves broken it was time to take something sharp and scrap the flesh off so they could get right to the fibers. Sowelu took a sharp rock and started scrapping. Skælingr picked up a bone fragment that he had sharpened and chipped to form a knife. He put a paw down on either end of the leaf and started scrapping with his head. He had to pause halfway through as he felt a kink in his neck. Oof, what he wouldn't give for the girls thumbs! Still, he wasn't going to be deterred.

Once the flesh was scraped off and the fibers fully revealed it was time to strip off a chunk of the fibers based on how thick he wanted the rope to be. He didn't need something super thick. This was more for making himself a new travois. He pulled a chunk of the fibers away and looked to see Sowelu was doing the same. He paused in what he was doing. "My name is Skæ by the way, and this is my friend Sowelu."
