
Kings and queens

ft Demise


08-27-2020, 07:56 PM

The Daemonican queen watched the male carefully as he gave his intent to raise an empire. That didn't help to soothe her ire, in fact it stoked it even more, and a slow smile formed on her pretty face. She would never be one to bow, she made others bend the knee. She took a stiff step toward him, in true alpha fashion, and from her cool lips came the biggest proclimation. "I am Demise Mortalis, new Empress of the Daemonican Empire in the Otherworld, demi-goddess of painful death, torment, destruction and misery. I have come to claim what is mine by birthright, this castle is where my family shall meet me to begin anew, these halls will ring with the songs of the unholy, wretched and damned. This castle is mine, and I will not share it. You make your claim elsewhere. This is my castle. My home. And I am willing to show my claim in your blood if I must." She meant her words, each one said on a deeper and deeper growl until the became a rumble that felt as though it shook the very halls.  It would be her own roots that settled here, not his own. She was determined to make it so., and he would not stand in her way. Her lavender eyes shone with demonic will - her own madness bubbling up as she waited to see if he would turn and run, or if she could soak the hall in his blood. Would he realize his mistake? Would his mortal mind come to terms with her divinity? She cared not if he chose to follow her, she would have his submission. Whether he stayed in the castle depended on his next move. The demonic death goddess was not blind to his usefulness, after all.

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