
Death is only the beginning

possibly mature


08-27-2020, 08:19 PM

Dark ears flicked as they caught the sound of a greeting not far away, she had just noticed the female and had begun to turn her head, dipping her head slightly before greeting the other back. “Good evening," she said simply, not truly acknowledging if she desired company or not. The dark goddess missed her siblings and uncle, her father as well. Mostly she missed the friends she had, how surrounded by family she had been before the disaster. Even monsters could love, and Demise pined for her family in that moment.

It did not take her long to recover from, instead turning her attention to the female that had approached her. “Are you from around here, by chance?" Her head canted to the side as she asked, open curiosity on the still-young queen's face. She was a yearling after all with much to learn about the world in general. What were the chances she would find someone to teach her? Demise would remember her mother, the one who had trained her until she made that stunning mistake in a spar. She knew she had much to learn, mostly where she was at the moment. The Daemonican youth would have to be intimately aware of the geography if she was to ever hold her crown here.

“Speech" | Walk | “Thoughts."
code by bird, img by cloudynight