
Spirit of Adventure



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-01-2013, 06:45 PM
ooc//Sorry for taking so long >.<

Excited laughing escaped her as she raced towards the ocean. She had left without saying anything specific, only that she was going to explore. She had been wanting to check out one of the islands that were just off the coast, and today was a good day as any other. The sun warmed her backside as she raced her shadow onto the sand, halting abruptly and sending sand flying all over. She shook off the collection of sand, panting with puppy excitement as she stared out at the island beyond the waters. She followed the shoreline, chasing the gulls as she went on her way. Oh what a beautiful day! She had left really early, only waking one of her siblings to tell them she was going to leave for a while, maybe the whole day to explore. And now here she was, bouncing away from the coming waves and side stepping the crabs that would sidle away or hide in the sand.

She stopped after a few minutes of chasing, mingled scents catching her attention. She halted, ears perked with curiosity at who might have been here. The scents were unfamiliar, so she guessed that they belonged to those she had never met before. Gazing out at the open stretch of water, she looked for a way across. She wasn't the best swimmer, not yet anyway. Even with all her practice at the cove, the current there was nowhere close to the currents here. She decided to follow the scents, thinking perhaps they too decided to cross and explore. She raced again, drawing closer to the sand strip that slowly became less visible from the rising tides. Stopping before the strip, she looked across to estimate how long it would take if she ran full pelt. Brows furrowed, she sucked in a breath as her tail wagged madly with the thoughts of what might be on the other side. She figured it wouldn't be a good idea to go alone, but at the same time if she had asked her siblings to come they would just tell her that it wasn't a good idea or that it was too far and would want to go back.

Sand flew as the multi-toned gal went from zero to however fast her paws would carry her. Racing across the strip that became a little soft underfoot. Every so often her paws would make a splash as water trickled over the bare land, threatening to spill over her feet soon. Her ears flicked nervously, tail flagged behind her and her tongue hung out as she pumped herself to go faster. She didn't even want to think about what would happen if she didn't make it. She was halfway there, when a sudden shock of cold overtook her. A wave had erupted out of her view, sweeping her paws out from under her and shoving her under the water. She barely made a gasp before the cold water sunk her, then moments later swirled her around until it pushed her up again. Paws flailed wildly as she looked for the sand strip, but it was now under water. She yelped in fear, puppy barks erupting loudly against the crash of the water. Sea water streamed across her eyes, blurring her vision. The water dragged at her, threatening to pull her in again. She kicked out, not really knowing which direction she was going in or how far away from land she was, until a wave pulled her under again. Water swirled around her, the dull noise surrounded her and fear settled into her system. Would she die today? Was she going to drown because of her decision to go exploring on her own? Was this her punishment? Thoughts rushed in her head, the time she felt she was under seemed to feel like forever. Time seemed to have disappeared, all sense of up and down gone.

Just when she thought her life was going to end as her lungs took in big amounts of salt water, she felt her body hit a hard surface and her last remaining breath was driven out of her. The water ebbed away, leaving behind a bedraggled and water logged yearling in the shallows. She sputtered and coughed, trying to breath as she did so. She felt like her body was on fire as she struggled to breath. She slowly crawled her way farther from the water, her body shaking violently from the cold. She flopped down on dry sand, breathing heavily and feeling exhausted. Her eyes closed as her chest heaved as the sun began to quickly warm her up. She could feel some of the water gurgling in her lungs, and thought that she might die of something internal. Opening her eyes after a few long minutes, she raised her head and shook out her pelt. Glancing warily across the water, her ears immediately perked with what she realized. The mainland was in front of her, across the water. Turning around, she leaped up with renewed excitement. She had made it! And she was alive! Now after she finished resting up from her ordeal, she would explore this wondrous new island!



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