
I like you



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-28-2020, 09:20 AM

Tamsyn wondered if she'd ever not feel her heart pounding in her chest from every little affection that Resin gave her. She had to assume that at some point it would feel more common and less world turning to have Resin do things like pull her into an embrace and nuzzle into her neck and surround her with her scent. Eventually that wouldn't be quite so staggering, but for now every show of affection was new and wonderful. When Resin pulled back to motion toward the space she had made for Tamsyn's things, Tam nodded in agreement even though her mind was very, very far from thinking about where she was going to store the few things that she owned. She wasn't the kind of wolf to care much about possessions unless they had sentimental value or were useful like her bracers. She still appreciated the fact that Resin had made her a space though and it did make it feel a bit more like her space as well all the same. She looked toward the bed then when Resin mentioned it and she was actually incredibly impressed with the set up that Resin had here. It looked incredibly cozy and she could already picture herself cuddled together with Resin there.

When Resin leaned down to her again, it pulled Tamsyn's eyes up to hers a moment before Resin's lips found hers in another of the kisses that made her feel like she just might melt out of Resin's embrace. It made everything around her feel dull in comparison. As much as she hoped that one day she might be able to not be thrown by every kiss so that she could actually be the instigator in their romance from time to time, she still kind of hoped this amazing spark never faded. It made her so indescribably happy. Her eyes fluttered open when Resin spoke and Tamsyn easily gave her a small nod and a smile in response. "I understand," she replied just as softly. She honestly wasn't sure how she could possibly improve on the den yet, but she appreciated the invitation to do so. This was their home now and with time it would really begin to feel that way. Soon enough her scent would be just as prevalent here as Resin's and she was really looking forward to that day.

Tamsyn very easily let Resin lead her over to the plush pile of furs even though her heart was working over time with the heady mix of emotions that she was feeling. She let Resin climb into the bed first and then she hopped up onto the platform beside her, letting herself settle into the larger curve of Resin's side like a perfect puzzle piece. It reminded her of the day that they had weathered a storm in the hollow of a tree and had ended up laying almost as closely. Tamsyn was pretty sure that was the day that she had really started to like Resin as more than a friend and had started wondering if that sort of thing was possible for them. A lot had changed since then, but the way that Resin made her heart pound and made her ears fold back shyly hadn't. She gave Resin a small grin as she gathered up her courage and leaned forward to give her a small, testing kiss. One quickly led to another and she felt that desire and need for the love and affection she had never received pushing for more even though she had no idea how to get there.

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