
Change of Scenery. Change of Heart?



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-28-2020, 10:04 AM

Tamsyn had spent most of her day doing a bit of maintenance and work on the training grounds and the Baracks. It wasn't exactly fun work, but it was pretty satisfying to look at once she was done. She had gone though and retraced the separation between each of the "arenas" as she called them and made sure the sandy surface of each was nice and even. She even went though with a long stick to rake over the surface to even them out. She knew the next high tide would most likely disturb a bit of her work, but it would help make sure that the divided training areas would continue to be in place. It felt easier to maintain them than start completely over if they all washed away entirely. The Baracks didn't need too much help - mostly just clearing away over grown brush that had creeped in and making sure nothing was falling apart.

She had moved back toward the grassy plains and was in the middle of washing sand off of her paws in a stream when she heard her lover's howl calling for her. It made her head lift and ears perk with interest. A smile immediately pulled at her lips. She certainly wasn't expecting Resin to call for her, but it was a very nice surprise. She was starting to get more comfortable with the idea of being loved and wanted, but that didn't mean that she wasn't any less excited by her howl. Tamsyn quickly finished cleaning up and gave her fur a quick shake to neaten it up before taking off at a quick trot to head back to their home. Even though she could tell from Resin's howl that there was no rush in her tone, Tamsyn still couldn't help but hurry to get back to her.

When she arrived, she looked at the meal that Resin had prepared with surprise. Her mint eyes widened as she took in the pheasant breasts that had clearly been prepared far more carefully than she was used to and they smelled absolutely wonderful. "What's all this then?" she asked with a grin as she walked over to Resin to give her a gentle kiss. Those kisses still hadn't lost any of their luster and she was still just as eager to share them as she had been the first day they made their lives together official. "Are you trying to butter me up or something?" she teased, not really knowing now close she was to being right. She settled in beside Resin, blissfully happy to be with the woman she loved and enjoying this absolute surprise of a meal. She couldn't say she had ever had cooked meats before, but she was very excited to try them. It was more just the fact that Resin had prepared it that made it more special to her.

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