
New day, New life


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-28-2020, 10:30 AM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2020, 10:31 AM by Tamsyn.)

The mention of his parents thinking they would have plenty of time to teach their children made her ear twitch, but she didn't respond other than to nod. She wondered if she would ever forgive her parents for what they did to her and she was fairly certain that wasn't something she was going to ever be able to do. She wished that her parents had even had the thought to teach her anything other than how to be a submissive, broken woman. It was a grudge that ran deep in her veins and as soon as she had learned to protect herself she had vowed that if she somehow ever crossed paths with her family again then she would show them that she was so much more than they had ever imagined she would be... especially her father and brothers. They deserved to feel every pain they had ever put her through.

She broke away from her own thoughts when Naiche mentioned putting in the work it would take to train, her gaze finding him again as she refocused on their conversation. "Good," she replied simply with a small grin. He'd be a good warrior one day, she was sure of it - if for no other reason than she was going to make the effort to make sure he got the training he needed. "Lets head back," she added with a motion of her head. "I just need to go along the far edge of the Tall Grass Plains and then my patrol is done and we can head back to the main common area." She started to walk and a thought came to her. "Do you have a den somewhere in the plains yet? I used to live in a den over by the river on the other side of the grassy plains, but I recently moved in with Resin so it's vacant now if you want it. It's not very big, but the walls are nicely renforced."
