
Give Me Your Time or I'll Take It




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
08-29-2020, 09:54 AM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2020, 09:57 AM by Naiche.)

Naiche was somehow managing to avoid the lion’s attacks after the one strike but tight turns seemed to be harder than before.  This could be bad.  It was for the best Naiche didn’t have time to focus on his thoughts, none of them would be positive.  Leaping away from another swing of a massive claw-filled paw Naiche was starting to feel his confidence failing.

Movement from behind them offered a small spark of hope.  If his ally wasn’t dead and was able to get back in the fight he might survive.  One wolf alone wasn’t enough for this, two might help them survive.  With renewed energy Naiche glared defiantly at the lion, once more working to keep the lion’s full attention.  There was no doubt when Asla bit the lion.  Naiche didn’t need to see her bite by the reaction on the lion’s face or how its rump dropped. Once his rump dropped Naice was able to look over and see what Asla had targeted.

Naiche stepped away in shock as the lion bolted off. Naiche’s adrenaline left about the same speed as the lion and he slumped to the ground as the reality of surviving hit him.  Now he realized he had thought he had been going to die for a moment. The pain struck at the same time, looking behind he saw the sticky mess of blood towards the base of his tell.  That explained why the tighter turns and leaps had been harder, the tail wasn’t moving as much or as easily as it should.

Once Naiche had an awareness of self he looked to the princess.  The wheat-colored wolf had checked on himself before her.  Naiche pulled himself back up, gritting his teeth as the tail reminded him it was attached to the back and it was going to feel all his movements.  As long as it didn’t stop Naiche from moving it didn’t matter right this moment. Time to check on his pack mate who seemed pretty proud of herself for all the blood coating her.  She had been the key in chasing off the lion, so maybe she had earned it.

She was walking to him with that irritating smirk, right up until she dropped.  If not for the blood and seriousness of the matter he would of smirked back as she hit the dirt.  No smirking till he knew how bad her injuries were.  He walked towards her, looking at the wound, then the blood on her mouth.  She wanted him to carry her?  Naiche wished right now he knew enough healing information to know how serious her injury was.  Though the lean wolf had to admit the injury was in a nasty spot for walking.  Considering her injury and his, the dangerousness of the mission and how she was the one who told it to him instead of Sirius or one of the other higher up’s was starting to braid itself through his mind.  Sirius was sure to know his daughter’s abilities, and he had only recently been testing Naiche and knew what his limits were as well.  “I can carry you,” Naiche agreed neutrally, “but you tried to get us both killed didn’t you?  Since we are both torn up I think I should get the truth first, don’t you?”  That said Naiche lay down, a clear sign he was in no rush.

Could he be wrong?  Naiche imagined it wasn’t impossible, but he was starting to label himself a fool.  Sirius wouldn’t send his daughter out with Naiche for something that had been so absurdly dangerous.  Since he had already taken to comparing her to his sister it wasn’t hard to imagine her lying.  His sister would run into a dangerous situation for fun without putting enough thought into consequences.  “We won this because of your last attack, I’ll grant you that.” The words stated flatly and he didn’t add in the last point they both would know.  If she had been lying then she was the reason both of them were injured and nearly killed.

Either way he’d have to carry her back soon.  This was his best chance to get a serious answer from her.