
Give Me Your Time or I'll Take It




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
08-29-2020, 07:13 PM

She wasn’t going to admit to the truth.  The princess was guilty until proven innocent.  Naiche stiffened and raised his head higher as she started limping off on her own.  Pride could get a wolf killed which begged the question how was she still alive? Hypocrite.  Hadn’t Naiche also charged out here thrilled at being given such a dangerous mission?  Hadn’t Naiche let himself be tricked as it felt good to imagine they’d give him this assignment?  Worst question: how much should he blame her when he was the idiot who fell for it?

Naiche followed her, reluctantly realizing he was going to lose.  Even as Naiche thought of giving in and telling her he would carry her, Asla fell.  Of course, now she was unconscious, and it would be harder to get her on his back.  Naiche smirked imagined dragging her back but imagined that wouldn’t do her injury any good.  Thank goodness she was so small.  The thought of picking her up by the scruff was quickly thrown out due to her injury.  Moons and stars, even when she passed out, she could be a pain.

Naiche lowered his head, shoving it underneath Asla, it would either wake her so she could help, or he’d eventually get her on his back.  It wasn’t going to be a fast trek back that was for sure.  Naiche could carry her but she was heavy, and he had to make sure she stayed balanced as the last thing he wanted was the snobby princess to fall off.  All that aside her weight on his back was just one more thing that helped the tail hurt.  If not for her it would be tempting to find a spot to hide away for the night and return after he got some rest.  It was all her fault.

He was in pain and angry at himself.  He didn’t like either of those things so he would just be angry at her instead.  Naiche was going to need some new insulting terms, she was going to use up the normal ones fast.