
The angels sip champagne




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
08-29-2020, 08:38 PM

She could understand being sad about missing siblings or family members. She'd lost all trace of her siblings and her parents were both gone. She still new of some cousins and other relations over around Valhalla, but that wasn't quite the same was it? Immediate family always seemed much closer than cousins and such and all of hers was gone to the wind. Before she could really get caught up in her musing he stumbled over asking her about her name and it made her smile and giggle in response. "Oh, it's Elise!" she replied, her tail wagging behind her. His tendency to drift closer to her didn't go unnoticed and it made her grin a little. He was such a sweetheart and as weird as it was for her she just wanted to make him happy - even if that meant picking a bunch of flowers for his aunt.

After another tip back to their quickly filling flower basket, he surprised her by asking where she was from. She looked up at his wide, innocent gaze and couldn't help the smile that pulled at her lips. "I'm from all over. I'm a traveler and a wanderer I suppose you could say. I don't know if I've stuck in one place since I was a pup," she told him, adding, "Not like you with your pack. You live in that one over that way, right?" She already knew the answer from his scent, but she figured she'd give him the chance to answer all the same. Living in a pack was something she had thought about a few times, but it also sounded so strange and foreign to her. She knew her father had led a pack back in the day, but it had been long gone by the time she was born so she had never experienced that type of life.

She picked a few more of the multi colored flowers and gently laid them on top of the pile. They were getting pretty darn close to the top edge of the basket and she gave him a victorious grin. "Not a chance that your aunt will still be sad with all these flowers to cheer her up!" she declared with a proud grin. She trotted over to his side and giggled as she pressed her nose to his cheek. "Your aunt is lucky to have you, ya know that? Everybody needs someone looking out for them and making sure they're happy."

"Talk" "You" Think