
Bison Brisket [Hunt Circle Bison Hunt]



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Intermediate Hunter (50)

5 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
08-29-2020, 10:39 PM
Cairo explained the plan to the inexperienced youth, and Red gave her an encouraging smile. Privately he was concerned about a young, inexperienced hunter participating in such a dangerous hunt, and promised himself that he would keep an eye out for her as much as he could. It would be a difficult promise to keep in the chaos of stampeding the buffalo, but that was as it would be. They paused as they came into sight of the herd, until they could all pick out the injured cow. His job was not to concentrate on her. On the contrary, he needed to concentrate on everyone but her. "Come along then, Aslaug," he said easily, moving past the other hunters. "Let us get the rodeo started for our lazy companions." He gave the others a laughing grin over his shoulder as he trotted towards the herd, dropping into a slinking crouch before they could spot him and gesturing for the youth to do the same. "We don't want them to have time to get their thoughts gathered and come together to stand us off," he explained quietly. "So we need to come in on them fast and hard. Bark, snarl, snap at their noses and heels and do not give them a chance to think. Get them panicking and stampeding, and for goodness sake be careful of their hooves and their horns. They are incredibly dangerous beasts and they can kill if they get a direct hit with either. Ok - go!" He popped up out of the grass nearly at the feet of the buffalo, bellowing out a gutteral roar and slashing his wicked fangs at the first buffalo's nose. The bull bawled and jerked away from the sudden appearance and pain, backing into another. Red slammed his way past the startled bull, still snarling and snapping to slash at another's heels. He threw himself beneath a flung hoof at another - and whether it was his appearance or his slashing fangs or the spirits were on his side that day the herd began to move. Slowly at first as a few buffalo slammed into their fellows in their rush to flee, then faster as their panic infected the herd, until they were in a thunderous rush. He could only hope that Cairo and the others had been able to cut out the cow, and that Aslaug did not find herself under the trampling hooves of the herd, because he'd lost track of her entirely in the chaos and the dust of keeping the bison panicked and on the run. Chivvying them like a huge cowdog to keep any stragglers from stopping, he couldn't take his attention off the herd or it would be far more dangerous for the wolves who were to take down the kill.