
Give me a reason why

ft Elba



1 Year

08-30-2020, 10:17 AM

Elba was on a bit of a mission. She had explored all of the lands that immediately bordered Valhalla's lands and she was fairly certain that she had picked and collected every variation of herb that she could find there. It was admittedly a pretty good selection of herbs, but she knew there had to be new and different varieties of stuff if she explored further out. She borrowed one of the bags that they kept at the main caves in Valhalla and it was currently draped over her back with one bag resting on each of her sides. She wasn't sure what she'd find on her adventure, but she was very sure that she didn't want to be limited by how much she could carry back in her mouth. At least this way she could bring back as much as she could fit in these bags. It made her realize she should probably make one for herself to keep so she wouldn't have to keep borrowing this one, but for now this would do the trick.

When she walked into the Fern Gulley, she actually stopped and looked around at all the different plants and such that seemed to be growing everywhere with her mouth gapping open with surprise. It was way more than she could have imagined and it made her wish she had tried coming out to this place before now. There were plants here that she had never seen before! That was saying a lot because her mother had kept a very extensive collection of herbs back when they lived with her father's old band. With her tail wagging excitedly, she set to work picking any new herb she saw and adding it to her bag. For now she just got a sample of the ones that were new to her so she could ask her mother about them, but for the ones she did recognize she got a nice big bundle of them to take back.

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