
Give Me Your Time or I'll Take It




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
08-31-2020, 10:58 AM

Naiche heard the heavy footsteps and could smell another wolf of the armada approaching them.  Soon enough he saw the giant as well.  Damn it, the monster didn't look happy.  Well, Naiche wasn't happy either.  He was exhausted, had fallen for the princess little lie that she wouldn't admit too, his tail ached horribly and it ran up to his spine and the dumb princess was lying on his spine.

So when the giant got into his space fear wasn't the first notion that came to Naiche.  He wanted to vent his anger, but on the flip side venting would take energy.  Instead he stood his ground despite staring straight at the guys, well chest up until he tilted his head to look up at the wolf's face.  The anger radiating was practically a physical thing.

Naiche felt his hackles raising up on their own accord from the threat.  After a moment he got that under control, but his muscles were still tense.  The pain-in-the-ass princess was on his back though, and as much as Naiche hated the truth he didn't want her falling off.  Not that he would ever admit to her he'd be considerate about it.

The wheat-coated wolf was about to tell Az what he thought of the entire situation when Asla spoke up.  Oh, so half awake she can admit the truth?  Admit the truth in a sort of twisted way.  He took her? Really?  Naiche made a silent promise to himself to beat her up for that later.  Oh yah, the next spar would get vicious.  That out of the way he looked back to Az, "Big brother coming to her rescue?  Great.  You want to injure her shoulder more? I put her down, you pick her up, its all just irritating the wound.  But if you want to hurt your sister in the name of easing your ego?" Yup, he stared up at the brute challengingly and thus far made no move to remove the shield of fur on his back