
Tall Tales And Silver Linings




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-31-2020, 10:40 PM

A sleepy, lopsided grin pulls at Meadow’s lips as she looks at Iolaire. After the earthen wolf explains about needing a nap, Io invites Meadow to join the onyx, ash and snow woman on her furs. Nodding in agreement, Meadow stands and stretches out the kinks that have settled into her back. With a one final shake of her coat, Meadow once again yawns before making her way to the furs on the other side of the entrance. Picking one of the piles, she makes her way to it and flops down on her belly with a content sigh. It is the simple things in life that make her the happiest sometimes.

Once settled and after Iolaire speaks of the journey, Meadow furrows her brow in concern for her niece. With a serious tone, she asks, “Are you taking care of yourself? Resting when you need to and eating properly? Can I do anything for you and Roan?” It is in her nature to want to take care of everyone who needs it. It is not that she doesn’t trust that Iolaire is doing everything she needs to, it is just… Meadow needs to know that she doesn’t need to hover. If her niece asked her, Meadow would fetch her food every day and take over any duties that were needed.

Io looks at Meadow, asking about what news she has. Eyes light up and a huge, bright smile appears as she wiggles slightly on the furs. Launching headlong into her story, Meadow says, “Well, I made some friends! I meet Mortis and Indigo and Hanako and this really sweet wolf from Abaven named Spirit. Mort and I were in the Weeping Woods near here and, while we were there, Rigel came down and decided to be my companion!” Pausing to breathe, she looks up at the great horned owl and smiles. “He is really sweet and Mortis gave Rigel his name.” she adds.

Looking back to Io, Meadow tells her, “Indigo is so sweet too. He offered to let me help with his garden. We planted some flowers and herbs and I really enjoy our time together.” Eyes look at Iolaire but see through her as Meadow thinks back on all the adventures she has been on. With a happy sigh, the earthen wolf blinks and is back in the present. Meadow smiles and says, “I am sorry. I meant to come and find out all about your journey and everything that I missed with you. Instead I am talking your ear off again.” A chuckle and shake of her head as she finishes, “So, what all did I miss?” Tilting her head, Meadow smiles and watches her niece.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm