
ruled by secrecy


"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
09-01-2020, 01:09 PM

As always The Warlord never left her waiting long. His greeting was somewhat mixed; her offered affection and his scent of which she gladly accepted but he seemed distant, almost callous as he asked for a report. The Wraith couldn't blame him, especially since she'd come home with empty paws but she hoped-or rather knew- that what she had to say would be of interest to him. Perhaps even enough to distract him for a time.

"I made good time and announced myself at the Valhalla borders and was met by a man, brown with darker smudges. Cairo, I assume. He told me he hasn't seen Malalia for some time, he'd expected to see her at the festival since she'd shown interest but she wasn't there. He turned up in his amour for some reason but...didn't appear to have been in any fights lately and I couldn't detect her scent on him or anywhere near the border. To be honest... I don't think they're involved, he seemed genuinely concerned for her, even if he had a very strange way of showing it." She explained, her tone dry, knowing that Sirius would want to know every detail from here on out.

"He went out of his way to talk down to me, inferring that I wasn't important enough and that Malalia would be insulted by our search efforts. So of course I call him out on that and told him my rank and then Aurielle finally shows up and is about the same, very hung up on the fact I didn't take the time to deal with the formalities. I pointed out that they have weird priorities considering someone they care for is missing and they didn't seem to like that very much. And then she offers me refuge like she's doing me a big favour but starts throwing around accusations about your intentions, acting like you're not to be trusted despite how decently you've treated her and her lot so far. It was insulting really, seeing her act all high and mighty and I might have..." She trailed off, wondering how to best phrase it. Bitchy seemed like the easiest way to put it, but Hanako wasn't the sort to use such vocabulary, as fitting was it was. "I said that she was presumptuous and rude and that she could go and shove her hospitality."

And that was that. Hanako let out a long sigh as she finally turned to look at Sirius. He'd told her to infiltrate the pack if possible and if she'd taken up the offer she might have been able to have a better sniff around, but the thought of playing along for someone who so clearly didn't deserve it...Well, Hanako was a people-pleaser but she wasn't that desperate for attention.

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