
With A Little Help From My Friend



09-02-2020, 01:18 PM
Oh no, Oh no! What was she going to do now? She'd be such a disappointment to her late parents if she died with her head stuck in a log! Rue had been following a little brown bird that had been hopping along the ground a little funny. She was worried that the little guy was broken and was intent on helping it somehow. The little bird, a sparrow she though, had hopped into the hole of a log and disappeared inside. Without thought, Rue had stuck her head in after, only to see the little bird hop out the end of the log and fly off. What a trickster! Much to her surprise and dismay, Rue found that her head was quite stuck.

"Hello! Can anyone hear me!" Her gentle tones called out, echoing within the log. She hoped that someone would come along soon. Someone that hopefully wouldn't want to harm her in any way. She'd met some bad wolves on the road. The cocoa colored girl gave a little tug, trying once again to free herself but she was stuck very tightly. Rue didn't regret trying to help the bird, but she did regret rushing in without thinking. What was she going to do? "Heeeeeeelp!"