
Ugh, labor pains...

ft Kichi <3



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
09-02-2020, 03:30 PM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2020, 03:33 PM by Lurid.)

While the land recovered from the ravages of the volcano, Lurid took the time to study the northern climes while they were devoid of life. Caribou and other prey items had become scarce, though there was never a shortage of smaller animals and carrion. Lurid was not above scavenging when she had to, though it was far beneath her to openly down the rancid dish. It wasn't long before she came upon a gorge that seemed perpetually perturbed by swift breezes and the occasional tree-bender, despite this it had seemed a good place to weather out winter. Within a matter of days Lurid came upon a pair of wolves, the female was heavily pregnant by the end of winter. Watching them for a while, the demon queen made herself known a week after she had discovered them. They had started to struggle in the last weeks, her twisted mind deeming them inept and weak as a result. The pups the female carried would suffer as a result of their weakness, it was decided before she made herself known. A wicked smile grew on her maw as she watched the pair below, and she brought the carcass of a pregnant doe with her when she came to meet them.

The ethereal ghost had fun with the pair, her hidden message was well received - even if it hadn't been announced as such. The pregnant doe was devoured by the trio and even appreciated. It was only step-one in her plan, however. Her paw was in the door, and she would ensure she was there for the pair, quickly befriending them and endearing herself to them. They had something she wanted, after all. The young pair fell for her farce hook, line, and sinker, even inviting her to den with them until spring. Lurid had politely declined and instead told them where she could be found if they had need of her. The false benefactor was not disappointed by her efforts, soon they called her friend and asked if she would be the godmother to their pups. Lurid gave a smile at the offer and accepted with feigned excitement. Soon, her plan would bear fruit, and she could not wait to pluck it.

In the coming weeks, Lurid would be called upon for false labor several times, only to have it be gas or some other pain associated with late-stage pregnancy. When the night actually came, Lurid was half tempted to simply tell the male the remedy for gas pain - again - but a sinking feeling in her gut had her on her feet despite herself. After all, she had come to view this as her own, remote pregnancy, and was just as excited as the new parents. Which she let show in her haste to the location they had denned, practically sprinting in a ghostly fashion. Lurid gave the woman support and smiles during the labor, which after five hours, produced only a singular male pup. He was beautiful, and Lurid found herself entranced by the tiny being. Holographic eyes quickly meeting those of the mother and congratulating her on such a healthy, robust pup. She suggested the name Kichi - a name that literally meant lucky or fortunate - and the mother accepted it, using the name for the boy. Her smile then was one of hidden maternal pride, and she brought the woman who had birthed her baby for her two large white hares. Being spring in the north the symbolic gift had been hard to come by, and she found herself seeing more white doves than hares, wishing the boy had been a girl instead since it seemed that particular symbol was everywhere.

Soon after, Lurid found herself hunting for both parents, the male growing lazy as he found more time for the child than duty. Her patience with her game was wearing thin as they grew used to her doing the hunting and gathering for them, the pair doting on her son. They were already tainting him with softness and weakness, Lurid would not let a child she considered her own be raised in such conditions. She would need more time, she could not provide milk for the boy, and would have to wait. When the mother started the weaning process, the demonic witch knew her time had come. Kichi would have to adjust quickly. Relishing the thought of finally being rid of her more extreme burdens, Lurid rallied the pair for a hunt, something they had not done in some time. Setting off for their final hunt together, Lurid noticed the young boy trying to follow, and turned back to take him back to the den with a gentle warning. "Kichi, baby, you are too little to go on this one. I promise you one day I will take you with me when I go hunting, but this is not the day, little love. Stay here, and wait." She gave the babe a sweet lick on his forehead and ensured he stayed home before going to fulfill the last stage of her plan. Knowing the pup, he would listen to her, she had been a gentle but stern figure in his short life. But in that time, he had learned when to test her and when not to, and her dual-toned voice made her warning very clear.

OOC: Sorry if it's choppy, I fell asleep mid-post XDDD LOL! I also left it open so we could actually make a thread of it, instead of a monolouge...she wouldn't shut up...
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'You.'
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
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