
Beach Bash




Expert Intellectual (150)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - AsexualValentines 2020VolcanoDream Weaver
Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-02-2020, 07:52 PM
There was a birthday... party. Tox did not remember any such gathering nor celebration in all her time alive. She wasn't sure what it entailed. She wasn't even sure she wanted to go, but she had promised Venom she would try to do pack things and train to be a good allly for her sister when the time came. She DID have all those dusted honey drops from her experimenting in spring and yes all the poison ones had been disposed of. Obi was already eagerly grooming her coat and preening it with warmed wax mixed with lavender- he hoped the lavender would calm her and the wax would keep her fur in place, revealing her scars beautifully. She shot him the most terrible of looks as she slowly gathered the honey drops into a small grass-woven basket Obi had made. Finally, he hurried her along and sent her on her way.

Crossing the borders was not something Toxicity was used to. Nor mingling. She could blame the fact that they were all mortals, but she also had no idea how to approach them. She was above them... right? As a princess and a god... so... what if she made a mistake? What if she showed weakness? No such thing should be allowed. It was easier to stay back from them all. Damn Obi, and damn Venom for making Toxicity want to try.

She eventually made it to the gathering and approached Sirius. They didn't really know each other, but he had been there to scoop up the pieces when the volcano erupted and Toxicity had respect for him and his rank. The climb from slave to alpha wasn't one to easily bat eyes at. In his own way, perhaps he went from mortal to god... on a lesser extent. Toxicity came to him and placed down the basket of candies.

"These are... for the birthday. And whoever else." She fought to maintain level eye contact even though everything in her body told her to either try to show her dominance or leave. "They'll melt if they get hot." Even to herself her voice sounded mechanical and forced. She dipped her head lightly and scanned the area for Venom. She was busy with someone else, so Tox made her way to an unoccupied patch and just... sat. Yes. This was a party.