
I Am Boo Boo The Fool



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
09-02-2020, 08:35 PM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Thoughts tumbled over each other as his mind chased after them, trying to pin them down to make sense of what he was thinking and feeling as the conversation continued. He felt relief that no one had come to Celestial's borders looking for him, but at the same time he felt anger. What if she'd just literally fucked him over?

He looked up at Justice as she stated that Razi very well could've been from a culture where the men were completely uninvolved. He knew it was that way with some species of birds, cats and other animals, even if it wasn't what he personally believed. He couldn't imagine not being in his children's lives and perhaps that was part of the problem. Life doesn't always grant you what you want. He sighed heavily. "Yea, I guess that makes sense and I would've tried to take them back." Even as he said the words he wondered about them. What if he couldn't have convinced her to come with him. Would he have just taken the pups from their mother? Just enslaved her in the pack? He still felt he had just as much claim to them as she did but everything was quickly growing more and more complicated and even then it didn't really matter did it? When it came right down to it he didn't know where she was or even if he had pups anyway.

"Fucking hell, when did life get so complicated.  I get it, I should just let it go. It's not like I have any idea where the fuck she is anyway. Couldn't even fine my own bloody family." He felt a kindling of anger. It made sense that they were wild and wandering like their mother but he still had a bit of anger at his siblings for just vanishing right out of his life.

Man, 'mari, it is fucking tempting to fuck you right now

He stared wide eyed at Justice and opened his mouth to say something. Unfortunately, at that moment he inhaled a bit of spit which  careened down his airways and he coughed and sputtered. "I-I…uh…" What the fuck was he supposed to say to that? Thank you? Yes, please? Fuck no? Are you high?

Honestly, the thought of having sex with Justice had crossed his mind now and then. She was strong, talented, intelligent and gorgeous. She was the only one who ever seemed to be a constant in his life even when he was less than steady. She was his best friend. But that was why he didn't want to mess anything up by introducing other factors into the relationship. What if sex complicated things? His cheeks were on fire as he tried to figure out something to say but thankfully she moved on to talking about juniper.

"Weird, I didn't realize juniper was good for anything other than achy joints." Assuming he was even thinking of the right herb. It had been so long ago since he'd studied healing. He took a deep breath, minus spit this time, and sighed heavily before he looked at Justice with a soft grin on his face. "Thanks for talking with me about this. I do actually feel better despite the heart attack you gave me a second ago."