
Say Something... Please

Asla and Naiche Healing



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-03-2020, 03:09 AM
With a growl, Asla announces that what the healer is doing hurts. A sympathetic nod and Meadow says, “I know, I know. It will be over quickly. Now lay still or it will hurt worse.” It is not a threat just a statement of facts. If the small fighter chooses to move while the healer stitches, it will cause more pain and take longer to close. With a soft smile, she aims a soft pat on the paw of Asla’s unwounded shoulder and sets to work.

As Meadow starts to stitch, she works fervently but as gently as possible. With quick, steady strokes she closes the wounds. With each pinch of the bone and pull of the thread tugging at the jagged, hurt flesh, the healer feels great sympathy for Asla. She knows it hurts but the small warrior is doing well. As Sirius appears, Meadow nearly drops her needle in surprise. Well, at least Rigel will be back soon to help. Focusing on the task, she almost misses the talk of a lion. If she was not stitching back together the shoulder of Asla, she would have shaken her head in awe. Instead, she works to repair the damage.

A question is posed to her about water as Meadow places one final stitch. Cutting the sinew and looking at the closed wounds, she nods and moves to a container of water she had brought out. Using the container to rinse her bloody paws first, the healer then retrieves a bowl from her bag. Setting it before Asla, Meadow pours her a huge bowl of water. Returning to the shoulder, Meadow informs them, “You are lucky. You had lost a lot of blood. Now I am going to put some balms on the closed wounds and they will help prevent infection.” Looking to Sirius she instructs, “You will need to change the bandage I put on every day for the next week and reapply the balm when you change it. Make sure she drinks a lot of water and I will give you a tea to make for her.”

Meadow is all business and directions, when it comes to doing her job as a healer, she takes it very seriously. Returning her gaze to Asla, she offers a gentle smile and says, “You, my dear, will be on light exercise for the next week. No running, jumping or playing. Stick close to home and please, don’t rip the stitches open.” Paws gently apply the balm of myrrh and honey, Meadow then cleans her sticky paws and wraps the wounded shoulder in a thick wad of cloth. Casting a glance and smile to Sirius she says, “Asla will be fine. Just do as I have said and she will heal quickly. Drinking lots of water is key in the next few days. Also, raw meat and liver will help.”

With one final inspection of her work, Meadow nods to herself and moves to clean up the mess she has made.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm