
Change of Scenery. Change of Heart?




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-03-2020, 06:23 AM

Tam soon arrived and wasted no time in coming in for a kiss, which Resin returned fervently. Raising one paw, she braced the black lady's chin as their lips melded. When the kiss was broken and Tamsyn settled in beside her, Resin made sure that their bodies were touching. She couldn't get enough of the woman beside her. Her love questioned her about the meal and asked whether or not she was being buttered up. The scarred woman gave a dark chuckle and grinned at the smaller lady. She found she was smiling more and more where Tamsyn was concerned. "Yes, actually. Eat first though." Resin transferred a piece of the seasoned pheasant into a stone slab before Tamsyn. She repeated the action with her own. The skin of mead was placed between them so that they would both have access. She motioned for Tam to proceed and began to eat her own meal.

Resin hoped that the meal would put Tamsyn into a receptive mood. The prospect that she was going to relay to the woman was one that she might find unfavorable. Afterall, Tam had worked very hard to get to where she was in the Armada. Perhaps she wouldn't want to leave it all behind. If that was the case... then Resin would have to let her go. It wasn't as though they would be terribly far from one another, but being apart would create a rift for sure.

Once she had finished eating her pheasant and sipping some of the mead, the ashen woman pushed her big body away from the fire a bit. She became overheated easily with such a thick coat. The joys of northern breeds. Resin waited until Tam was finished eating as well before she spoke. "I'm getting old and losing my taste for war. I want to end my days somewhere peaceful. Somewhere where others are being helped rather than hurt." Black ears flicked forward as she searched her lovers face while delivering the words. "I want to leave the Armada. I want to start my own pack. And I want you to come with me." There. It was said. Now Tamsyn had only to say yay or nay to either break or bolster the maned woman's heart.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]