
Change of Scenery. Change of Heart?



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-03-2020, 11:54 AM

Tamsyn raised a curious, suspicious brow at Resin when her lover admitted that she was actually trying to butter her up and immediately wanted to ask why, but she followed her instructions and focused on the food instead. Her tail wagged excitedly as the seasoned pheasant breast was placed in front of her. She was curious to see what it tasted like with the additional preparation - and hoped it wouldn't spoil her into wanting all of her meals cooked this way as well. She smirked a little to herself at the thought but dug in anyway. The meat was delicious, though the texture of the cooked meat was very different from what she was used to. The mead made her wrinkle her nose as she sipped on it, but not in an entirely unpleasant way. Mostly she just enjoyed the fact that Resin had taken the time to surprise her with something like this and being able to share something special like this was wonderful.

Once she was done she turned her attention to Resin to see what it was that had prompted this whole affair since she was supremely curious. When Resin explained that she was loosing her taste for war, Tamsyn's brows lifted with surprise. She had always thought of Resin as being a warrior and had always imagined that she would feel most comfortable in battle. She thought back to the conversation they had about her feeling her age and Tamsyn could see why Resin would want to step back from her life of war a bit. In a way Tamsyn was kind of glad. It showed that Resin was taking care of herself and wanted to care for others in the process. The idea made her smile a bit. She wanted to keep Resin around as long as possible so if this was her way to do it then Tamsyn certainly wouldn't complain.

Resin's declaration that she wanted to leave the Armada to start her own pack was what actually shocked her. She blinked with surprise as she processed this new information. She remembered when the two of them had hid in the hollow of a tree to get away from a storm ages ago Resin had said something similar, but Tamsyn had honestly thought maybe the scarred woman had reconsidered or moved on from the idea. A lot had changed since then - Tamsyn felt like she was a completely different wolf than she had been back then. She was pretty sure that all the changes and growth she had gone through since then were all for the better, but she also had to recognize the fact that the only reason she had gone through so much change was because of the Armada and the wolves around her that had helped her learn and grow. Resin was certainly one of those wolves, but so was Sirius, Zee, Natha, and everyone else that had allowed her the opportunity to help them learn as well.

As much as she loved the Armada and everything that it had done for her... she knew she loved Resin more. From the beginning of her time here Resin had been a constant in her life and had immediately given her someone that she could relate to. She had never really believed that she would find someone that she loved and would love her in return. She couldn't possibly give that up. After a long, thoughtful pause, Tamsyn replied, "The first time you mentioned starting your own pack I asked you to take me with you... And that was even before I realized how much I love you." She got up and moved so that she could face Resin and gently rest her forehead against hers - knowing how much this sort of affection meant to her. "Now that I'm actually yours do you really think that you need to ask?"

She leaned back just enough for her mint eyes to meet Resin's single golden eye again, a little smile creeping across her lips. "Of course I'll come with you... I want to be at your side for the rest of our days."
