
Where Flowers Bloom




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-03-2020, 10:34 PM

Smiles are natural for Meadow. She wears them constantly and one would be hard pressed to find her without it. Yet, with Indigo, the smiles that appear are so much more than expressions of happiness. The smaller wolf loves Indigo with all her heart. While it is true that love is not something foreign to her, there is special in what she feels for him. She was taught that with her big heart came the capacity for great love and it is true. Everyone that crosses her path is met with kindness and love. And yet, with Indigo… there is something about the big wolf that immediately endeared him to Meadow. The urge to protect, nurture and help Indigo is overwhelming her. Now, he is her adopted nephew and she will do anything for him.

As they work and she looks over to smile at him, Meadow feels a strong bond forming with Indigo. When she tells him what her nickname was and Indigo repeats with a chuckle, she winks and laughs at the memory. As Indy speaks of wanting to have a pond here, the earthen hued wolf’s eyes light up. Jokingly she tells him, “Well, if you add a pond, you may come out one day to find one very big wolf fish in there.” Eyes sparkle with mirth and she laughs enthusiastically. Following Indigo as he leads the way to collect the water, she tells him, “I will make you deal. When you make the pond, I will find fish for it.” Ideas are already flowing through her mind as she takes up the first urn from him.

Waiting for Indigo to finish filling his urn, Meadow walks back with him to her row of freshly planted roses. Carefully, she tips the water onto each spot, allowing the plants to drink. Once done, she sets the urn aside and looks to Indigo, saying, “Okay, what should we plant next? Tulips or sunflowers?” With all the seeds she brought, it might take the better part of day to plant them. However, she does not mind. She treasures the time she gets to spend with Indigo in his garden and a day of good work always makes her extremely happy.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm