
Change of Scenery. Change of Heart?




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-03-2020, 11:47 PM
Happiness had always been just out of reach. There were times when she was content, of course, but actual happiness had been sparse in Resins life. As Tamsyn settled herself before her and pressed their foreheads together, she felt happiness. The dark womans words were a relief and Resin released a breath that she hadn't realized she was holding. She would go with her. They could start their own pack together. She would never have to worry about Tam going off into dangerous situations. She could keep her safe. She could know that all of the best decisions were being made. Together, they would make them.

As was her way of late, Resin raised one paw to set it ever so gently on Tams cheek. Adjusting the height of her lovers muzzle, The scared woman stared deeply into Tams minty gaze. "Whatever did I do to deserve you?" She kissed her then. It started off as a gentle brushing of lips, but soon she wanted more. With her paw still serving as a perch for Tamsyns chin, Resin deepened that kiss. She poured her love and emotion into it. All of the love, respect and admiration that she held for the little black wolf, she worked into that kiss. She wanted Tamsyn to know just what she did to her.

Now that their dinner was over and the hard part had passed, they could move on to other things. "I sent Meadow away for the night. Let me show you how much I love you, Tamsyn." Resin rose fluidly and extended one paw to help her lover rise. She wanted to make love to Tam for the first time and she wanted top be as open and raw as she could with the woman. It was the least that she could do for her. It was only because of Tamsyn that she was capable of such happiness. And for that happiness, Resin would give Tamsyn all of herself.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]