
Teetering on the edge



3 Years
09-04-2020, 10:51 AM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2020, 10:53 AM by Rhona.)

The black and gray woman lingered near what seemed to be a gathering place in the middle of the pack, finding herself a place that she could be tucked into and be out of the way. Being alone was a new thing for her. When she was very young she was always with her parents or siblings and once she became an adult she was always with Osmond since he very rarely let her out of his sight. Now Osmond was gone and Tamsyn had to live her own life and keep up with the duties and responsibilities she seemed to have here. Rhona wasn't quite sure where she stood here just yet and her mind was still just beginning to process this culture shock that was so entirely overwhelming to her.

Her mind flashed to the image that was burned there of Osmond's body torn to shreds and left as nothing more than a pool of blood and unrecognizable pieces and a small shudder ran down her spine. It wasn't the fact that it was Osmond that got her - no, he deserved every single moment of that carnage - but just seeing that play out in front of her was not something she was able to comprehend. She wasn't new to violence, but murder was one of the few things that had been outright outlawed in her old life. She had to assume that it wasn't necessarily common place here either, but the fact that it had been done at all still threw her. It made her go back and forth between being happy that she was here and finally free of the tyranny that she had been living in and being incredibly nervous about this place that she had ended up in.
