
under da sea


"Helen of Koi"


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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
09-04-2020, 03:45 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2020, 03:46 PM by Hanako.)
bonus prompt- hunting/navigation: Seafood

wc: 356

Ever since her fishing venture at the Delta Hanako had been itching to try again. The thought of catching yet another giant put a spring in her step as she bounced along the Bifröst, her tail swaying gently as Toshi galloped by her side, only just managing to keep pace with his much shorter legs. She might have slowed down if he'd been willing to meet her in the middle, since every time she had asked him for fishing lessons he'd simply turn his nose up at her. Nothing she said or did changed his mind, so there she was determined to catch fish in her own tried and tested way: Hanako style!

The sand that lined the Bifröst was coarse beneath her paws, rough and scratchy against her pads as she slowed to a walk to take in the view. Toshi sighed in relief, panting a little as he plonked himself down on his rear. Auster lingered in the distance, it's dark silhouette standing out brazenly amongst stark blue of the sea and sky. As a self proclaimed explorer she ought to have been drawn in, tempted to cross the bridge to see what laid hidden on the other side. But the Wraith only had eyes for the water. She breathed deep, savouring the scent of the ocean breeze as it tousled her fur, like an old friend welcoming her back. Leaving Toshi to his own devices Hanako waded out onto the sandbank. It's slope was slow and gentle, stretching on for several yards till it dropped off to the point where she'd no longer be able to touch the bottom. She knew it was customary to fish from land, to reach over the edge of the water and grab a fish as it passed. But so far she'd had no luck with that method and every time she'd tried she'd ended up with a mouthful of water. With her way at least she'd be able to go for a swim, to be one with the waves and with the sun shining high in the sky she couldn't have chosen a better day for it.

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