


09-02-2013, 06:59 AM
OOC Name: Drake
How did you get here?: Not sure, stumbled upon it on google and checked it out
Age: 19

Character's Name: Drake
Age: 2
Season of birth: Fall
Size: Medium, 30"
Appearance description: Drake is a medium sized wolf standing at 30" and weighing around 90 pounds who is from the coast of the land down under. His tongue is graced with an Australian accent, thus making his following appearance and personality a very fetching one. His is not bulky to say the least, but instead has a nice athletic figure. He likes to run and swim, thus toning his body ever more. Drake is a white wolf, with the exception of "sock" or "sleeve" markings on all his legs. His front legs will be black up to his elbow, and back legs are black up to his first joint. His toes, however, remain stark white. Drake's tail is nice and long, and the tip is dipped in black much like a paint brush. In fact, if one didn't know any better it probably would be a paint brush. Both of his ears also follow the example of his legs and tail, both being completely covered in black. His eyes, a nice cool aqua blue. There is nothing intimidating about this guy, he looks nice through and through and all who approach will never have a sense of being threatened. Unless of course, you are a bad guy...then he is the epitome of your worst nightmare. Long canines and sharp claws that are reinforced with bits of cut shells from the beach, he can do some serious damage if he manages to get you in his grasp. He is swift and agile, thanks to his well toned athleticism. The activities he does in life also support this fast one, using surfing, meditation and other training techniques, he has close to flawless balance and speed. And at the age of 2, it has accredited to his survival.
Duty: Runner