
In For A Swim


09-02-2013, 07:11 AM
Black stockinged paws rushed across the ground. Cream pelted body aimed for the lake, his soul itching to get in for a swim. Fall season was here, but that didn't mean all the heat had left with summer just yet. The day was muggy, the air felt like it was choking him to say the least. The humidity was not his friend today, and neither was he. He didn't like humidity, it made him feel icky and gross. But water? Oh he loved it! If he had the means, he would live in it for the rest of his life like a fish. But for now, that would remain but a distant dream as his body made contact with the cool surface, quickly plunging into its cool depths.

The blonde man laughed, reveling in the splashes and ripples he was making like a child would. He didn't have any friends here, he was still very new to the lands of alacritis and still packless. But he didn't mind right now, even though it got lonely, he still retained his childish freedom to play about in pools of water and snow. At one point, he had thought about joining a pack he knew as Glaciem. But stories spread like a wildfire, and it had changed dramatically from what he heard before. Now, he had wandered well away from those territories and onto a new area he hadn't been to before. And though there wasn't much snow here, there was water. And as long as there was water, Tidus would be. He bounced and played in it, seeming as if he were a big child splashing about in a puddle. He chased after fish, quickly catching a couple and stalking back up the shore with them to deposit them on the land before rushing in for more. It was a strange habit he had...collecting as many fish as he could. He wasn't sure why he did it, but he supposed it was just an OCD thing. He never knew when he would run out of food, or maybe if a starving stranger needed it or if prey would be scarce. So fish collections were his thing, and he would always eat them before they spoiled.