
In For A Swim



7 Years
09-02-2013, 08:11 AM

Emer's life had fallen into a routine of sorts, perhaps the scenes differed and occasionally she'd find a new face to speak to for a while but for the most part the female simply found herself wandering around the lands alone. Today had found itself falling into that typical rhythm of awaking and for a while now she'd been travelling through the Western areas of Alacritis though of course with little idea on where she was actually travelling. Whilst elements of certain terrains seemed familiar to her old home or places she had already crossed to reach this point the layouts and scents of the land were of course entirely new to the autumnal coloured wolf. There really was nothing at all to do aside from this aimless movement and exploration of areas. Though she had to admit, there had been times she had considered the possibility of a pack once again, from time to time the loneliness could drag on for far too long.

For instance, at this current moment Emer couldn't actually recall the name of her last brief encounter. She'd been a fellow loner, a talkative little thing that had rambled on and on about all kinds of different wolves that each name had muddled up and though she could remember some of those names, she had no idea which belonged to the other female. Hopefully the wouldn't cross paths again too soon, or if they did perhaps the other would managed to forget all about Emer as well, though given the detail she had included in some of her tales, she feared that it wasn't all that likely.

Abruptly Emer came to a stop upon hearing the faint sound laughter and splashes of another. Her ears twitched, now focussing in the direction that the sound was coming from, head turning and golden eyes peering through the distance to gaze upon the lake. It would have been her destination, however now the female took more care in her approach. As much as decent company was appreciated, with her family's constant worries over the years, Emer knew full well there had to be some sort of danger out there though she herself had been lucky enough to avoid it so far. Hopefully the luck would continue, just as long as common sense stuck with her as well.

The wolf from earlier was still splashing around the water, his focus still away from her for now. He appeared rather cheerful, perhaps she needn't be quite so cautious, though Emer was never a wolf who favoured bringing attention to herself anyway and so the silent approach to the lake continued, ensuring to keep her distance and not disturb the other.