Healer's Circle [Festival Crafting for Healers]
09-05-2020, 01:46 PM
Ragna relaxed for the most part, just taking in the day and activity around her. Every so often she picked up a stick and stirred the ointment mixture as the fire started to melt the fats that would form her ointment. She occasionally picked up the deer hide and scooted it one way or another to keep the mixture hot but not let it boil. When she finally saw the green from the leaves coloring the whole mixture she knew it wax ready. Ragna tugged at the deer hide and pulled the ointment away from the fire to cool and solidify. She folded part of the deer hide over the bowl to keep flies out. In the mean time she decided she'd go ahead and take a nap while waiting for the ointment to solidify. She didn't want to be carrying hot fat in her travois.
-exit via nap-