
the law ain't never been a friend of mine



8 Years
Small species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KBeeventTreat 2019
09-05-2020, 04:24 PM
When Kati launched at him Armando quickly skittered to the side. If he got pinned by one of those massive feet he was as good as eaten in a different setting. So he was not going to let himself get pinned without a fight. While his sidewinding might have saved him from the stomping foot, the jaws were another problem entirely. Those he was going to have to deal with in a spectacularly dumb way. Armando was a special kind of idiot, he'd decided. He was probably the only member of his species to willingly put his head into the mouth of a predator. But, what else was a red panda to do?

After coiling his legs and rolling his head down, Armando launched his head upward in a headbutt. He was hoping to slam the helmet into Kati's open jaws and force him to pull back which would give Armando a little wiggle room. That was about it for all the attacks he could muster at the moment. With his forelegs in the air to aid his headbutt, he wasn't heavy enough for a stomp of any kind and while he could use his claws to scratch like a cat, most of his energy was pointed upwards and he didn't think he could muster enough sideways force to do more than comb the fur on Kati's leg with his claws.

Armando versus Kati for Spar
Round 1 of 2
Age: 1+
Size: Other species
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked helmet
Companion 1: Tufted Tit Mouse, Female - Battle
Skills: Novice Intellectual & Advanced Fighter
Specialty: N/A

Armando has a female tufted titmouse companion. It doesn't have a name because it's dumb and doesn't deserve one. Assume it's with him always.