
under da sea



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
09-05-2020, 06:07 PM
He was exploring the islands near the back of the Dove Island Archipelago, when Saph spotted Hana. The trouble making Kea had squirked about a pretty backside disappearing near the water by the Bifrost, and it had taken some back and forth arguing before she admitted that it was Hana.

He abandoned the Ashen Islands, and looked towards the Bifrost. It was a decent swim, but he had done it before. He hopped into the water, his wings out either side of him like fins as he pushed lazily through the water. He had started off struggling to swim, but he had soon developed his own style. No one had been able to teach him properly to swim, for his wings had at first been a hazard. Heavy and awkward in the water.

He had learned to work with them, instead of against them, and now they helped him cut through the waves. They worked even better when he was fully submerged, so his style of swimming was often to dive beneath the waves, and cut through the water beneath, wings outstretched and tail like a rudder. When he needed breath, he surfaced, and then went down again. Occasionally, the salt hurt his eyes, but even that he had gotten accustomed to. Open eyes beneath the water would find the reefs near the island he departed, and he was careful to keep away from the jagged edges of it. An eel dove away from his sinking form, and he snickered as its tail slipped away. He held his breath again, berating himself for the loss of air.

Ignoring the distractions beneath the waves for the most part, he continued to cut his way to the Bifrost. He had the idea of scaring her, and when he was close, he took a deep, deep breath, diving far beneath the waves. Going closer, and closer, seeing the shadow of her body above him. He surged upwards with all his might, pushing out of the water, tossing his head back. Soaked wings held wide either side of his body. “Rrraaaaaa, dinner!’ he cried, going for her toes.

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