


09-02-2013, 11:09 AM
Kaveh Kyra

Kaveh smiled tenderly as Kaala leaned into his shoulder and gave the top of her head a gentle lick. Glancing up through the trees, he could see the mainland of Alacritis. He knew if he didn't go back soon his sister would be worried. After being separated from Ely for so long it was hard for him not to worry about her after being away from her for a solid day. But, as he looked back down to the dark-hued fea at his side, it was even harder to imagine leaving her. He believed in love at first sight now, there was no doubt.

He brushed his muzzle along the side of her neck affectionately, giving her shoulder a lick before coming back up to give another kiss to her cheek. "Kaala... Please forgive me if I sound completely out of my mind. I know I've only known you for a day, but... I feel like I've known you for years." His pale green eyes found hers and he gently licked her forehead. "I like you alot... and I learned from losing my sister for all that time that life is too short to keep things to myself so I think... I think I love you, Kaala. I don't know if you believe in love at first sight or not, but if you do... well, I do now."

He searched her eyes, waiting to see what her reaction would be. Would she agree? Did he scare her off? Was he going to fast? He didn't know. He had always been one to wear his heart on his sleeve, so to speak, and for some reason Kaala brought that trait in him out even more so. Kaveh just wanted to be completely honest with her, no matter what it was.
