
All About Us



09-02-2013, 11:18 AM

As the words gently left her inky lips the dark babe would open her eyes curiously and take interest in her mother's face. Fal was very good at keeping to herself, or rather to Song's side. The little she wolf seemed to prefer her company than that of the rest of the family. She would always hang back when presented the opportunity to rough house with the other boisterous pups. That was why they would go out and see the world today, the sweetness of the pup could not be held from the earth for much longer.
Her dark body would pop as she stretched and became more aware. Song would rise from her position of rest, her daughter leaned into her leg affectionately. It didn't take her long to find the entrance of their home, the motherly figure was slightly surprised at the slight enthusiasm Fal'Dara held for the adventure they would begin. "Ready my sweet?" She would nuzzle the top of her child's head once more before leading her quietly from the entrance. The sun's rays would find themselves passing through the slowly changing color of leaves before they would reach the wolves' pelts. Song was unsure where she would take them on the expedition, but figured that now that her babies were a season old it would be safe to see the ocean. "Do you want to see the big water, Fal?" She cooed to her young pup after letting her take in the scenery.
