
CLOSED Isardis x Euphrosyne


09-02-2013, 11:25 AM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2013, 01:30 PM by Kairos.)
Pup #1;
Name: Strelitzia Armada.
Sex: Female

Strelitzia's coat will be white as she will so take care of her looks. she will fuss over her coat and make sure that it will be pristine and clean. Cleanliness is next to godliness, she'll worship that sentence like a saint. To no avail during the Sprig and Summer the Sun will naturally change her beautiful white coat to a light ivory color. Along with her beautiful base coat she will have a light russet color beneath her beautiful light green eyes that dazzle when they're in the sunlight. The light russet color reappears on the tips of the girl's ears. Then going down to her legs you will notice that her legs will be be covered in that light russet color as well. All the way from her toes to blend in to her white fur half way up her leg, stopping at the main joint to bend it.


Strelitzia's personality will be quite interesting; as a pup she will try to please her father with her actions and convince herself that she can always do better. The girl will be adventurous and will want to know what everything is. She will listen to her parents yet be stubborn to what she truly thinks she should do. The pup will take a liking to teasing her brother or siblings and will still do so when older. As she will grow day by day, week by week, she will become a bit more independent. Little miss independent, I think so. Strelitzia will try to do things on her own until she fails and will ponder why. Only until then she'll ask Daddy dearest or her mother for help or instructions on what to do. Strelitzia will be quite rambunctious yet at other times calm and quiet. When it comes to orders she will obey. she'll be a good listener and take action.

As an adult or young wolf she will still aspire to please Isardis. She will take everything her father will say seriously and try her best to succeed and not let him down. In a case where she may fail she will throw either a fit or a pity party for herself. She will kick herself before picking herself up or going to Isardis for a talk on what she should do next. Strelitzia will aim to be a great warrior, she will be fast, cunning, and smart. She will be quite the daughter and fighter but then she'll have another side to her. Strelitzia will be kind, and sweet when alone. With strangers she may be kind or cocky. The dame will think of herself as above others and she will know her privileges. With a sway of her hips and a flick of her tail the vixen will bring the party to wherever she goes. She'll strut her stuff and flaunt it here and there while taking to occasionally taunting the males around her. The girl will tease her brother here and there and find amusement from it. In the girl's mind she is and isn't everything she can be. She will try and try and try to please her parents. Whether it be doing something simple for her mother or something challenging for her father the girl will obey. No word of why or but or resistance. Say it and it shall be done as you wish.....