
Change of Scenery. Change of Heart?



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-06-2020, 10:50 AM

Tamsyn's ears flicked up to catch Resin's words before falling back down against her head shyly as a bashful smile pulled across her face. She'd never thought of herself as beautiful. The wolves she grew up with certainly weren't as ostentatious as some of the wolves here were, but even by their standards she was very plain. She had been the only one in her litter to have a solid black coat and she had always thought that the only thing she had going for her was the unusual hue of her eyes. Then the scars came and marred her appearance and served as a warning for everyone around her that she was damaged goods, that she couldn't be controlled. She wore her troubled history on her skin and that had driven everyone away from her back then. Now... Now it seemed to only draw others closer. She shared her story with anyone that wanted to know, feeling the need to explain her submissive tendencies, the way she needed to analyze things before doing much of anything, the way she had to force herself not to flench away when someone touched her. But Resin never questioned her actions. She had immediately accepted what she was Tamsyn felt like with her she could truly be herself. When she was around Resin she thought that maybe she was beautiful. Even if she was only beautiful in Resin's eyes, that was all she needed.

When Resin gave her the power to stop whenever she wanted, Tamsyn immediately wanted to tell her no and that she wanted anything and everything that the larger woman wanted to give her. However, she couldn't deny the nerves that still fluttered in her stomach. It wasn't that she didn't trust Resin, but the aspect of the unknown made her hesitate. She had no idea how things would go and for someone like her that wanted to know how everything would go and what would happen in all aspects of her life it was a hard thing for her to just relax into the moment. She simply gave a small nod of understanding, but didn't really answer one way or the other for now. She still appreciated her love's willingness to make sure she was comfortable with their time together even if she was fairly certain she would never actually tell her to stop.

Tamsyn fell into the fur covered pallet with Resin easily. This much was at least familiar to her as she snuggled into Resin's larger form and felt that familiar presence of her body against hers. It was one of her favorite feelings and there had been several days since they began sleeping together that she hadn't wanted to get up in the morning because she just wanted to spend all of her time pressed into Resin's side. A smile pulled across her lips once her love began to groom around her face and her eyes didn't quite close, but they grew much more relaxed as she enjoyed the feeling of the careful, tender licks and teeth that moved through her fur. When Resin lifted her chin, Tamsyn didn't put up any sort of resistance, easily giving access to her most vulnerable places to her lover. There was a slight hesitation in her breathing as Resin worked past the scar that cut from her cheek to the beginning of her throat, but she managed to resist the tensing that her body tried to do on its own. It was a spot that she didn't think of as often these days and for the most part was tucked away where most couldn't see it unless she turned her head, but feeling Resin's teeth graze past the tender skin still made her heart skip a beat. If it had been anyone else she would have pulled away, but this was Resin and she trusted her with her life and so much more.

As she continued on down her neck, her breathing began to shift from a relaxed, quiet movement of air to something that matched the excited patter of her heart. When Resin rolled her onto her back she gave a soft, surprised gasp, but that constant, wonderful grooming that Resin was showering her with made that gasp leave her in an uneven, shuddering sigh. She dipped her head so that she could watch Resin move lower and lower down her chest and on to her stomach. Her body stretched and shifted under her touch as if laying perfectly still under her licks and nibbles was a completely impossible task. By the time her lover stopped and looked up at her right above her belly Tamsyn's breathing had shifted into a light pant and her whole body was tingling with something that she was quickly learning was called desire. That reflected in her eyes as she looked down the length of her own form and found Resin's single golden eye. Even just the look that Resin gave her sent a small shiver down her spine. Any nervousness that had once been lingering in her had been replaced with lust and excitement and a desire to know what came next. "I want you," she replied simply, her voice breathy and soft. She wanted her in this moment and always.

- fade -
