
Living Under A Loaded Gun




6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
09-06-2020, 11:44 AM

As she didn't care much for the personal space of those around her, Jupiter's own touch from his lips would have her unfazed. She'd pull back slightly to look at him through the dark glow of the cave. And her eyes may have even suggested an intimate soft look. She wasn't used to others being even okay with her sharing a personal bubble even if it was a reflex she chose to ignore. But she was quick to pull her mint gaze away from his eyes as if they weren't sharing a moment or a feeling because well, she wouldn't understand feelings like that even in her age. Her mangled brain kept her from feeling anything mature beyond her time leaving her mother and learning to thrive on her own.

"Well that sounds fun," Breaking the moment instantly she'd step forward and align her left shoulder with his left, turning her neck inward best to see his face again and uncaring if her chin brushed by his shoulder in the process. "I wish I was strong enough to fight a bear." She still had little knowledge of hauling a cart around the continent but she continued to keep her unknowns out of her mouth. She'd either learn or it would be put behind her. Jupiter was sharing a lot of things she knew nothing about, but she was trying to stay cool and collected with her once upon a time unfriendly friend. Her gaze and cheeky grin definitely showed she was impressed, and if there was even an once of maturity in her, one could say her tone was flirty even if she didn't know that was the suggested feeling or what it even meant.

Walk "Talk" Think