
You Woke The Devil



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
09-06-2020, 01:31 PM

Viper was growing old of her everyday survival living and found herself often thinking of her young friend Jupiter. Ever since they reunited it was like a piece of her past clicked in and she couldn't stop thinking about him. What about him? Nothing really... But she'd be hunting and think of what big prey he could take down or sparring and wondering how she could be like him and overtake her opponents. But in reality she didn't even know him. They knew each other at a very young age and the unknown wicked, ungodly man to her she had been reunited with was something she had never experienced in her life. And yet she was pulled into to the thought of him. Maybe her mind was grabbing a hold of it to move on past her pup emotions. Maybe she wanted him to teach her. She'd never admit that though.

She followed his scent which was actually the scent of a pack and that was unknown to her. It had been a long time since she had been in a pack herself and she spent most of her last years in hiding of Elias so she was just lucky not to wander into pack borders. That was, until now.

She wouldn't hesitate a second to walk into the lands of Fireside, her nose raised as she moved forward with a bit of confusion to the intensity of the scent. It was familiar off the pelt of Jupiter for sure, but now that she was inside she wasn't able to pin point the man himself. She'd make it over a hill and pause at the view of the Range, the animals and the structures. And unknown to her, she'd be bombarded by the members of the pack at any second.

Walk "Talk" Think