
under da sea



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
09-06-2020, 03:54 PM

Mortis frowned, scrunching up his nose. “Octa-what now?” he asked, scanning the ocean around them, as through whatever it was might magically appear and identify itself to him. He wouldn’t even know what it was if he saw it. It wasn’t one of the things he had encountered yet. He had mostly concentrated his own fishing exercises on… well… fish.

“Seventy-thirty! You don’t have to give me seventy percent Hana, i’m okay with fifty” he teased her, darting away a little in case she decided to retaliate. She did however explain what to look for as he padded gently above the surface. He tried to picture an eight-armed funny head squishy creature. But honestly, he failed. Well, perhaps he would understand when he saw one.

Wasting no more time, he dove under the water. Repeating the technique he had used to swim here. He found his wings weighted a lot less once he was under the surface. He pulled himself slowly down, his wings spread out on either side of him. He made his way down to the ocean floor, holding his breath carefully. He watched another eel slipping about the coral. Little fish dancing in between the cover of funny plants. A starfish, stuck to a rock. He pocked that with his nose.

But, he really needed to breathe. So he shot back to the surface, taking in a deep breath, and looking about for Hana, seeing her descending once more. He folded his wing up and over his back, and darted in front of hre, waving his ‘shark fin’ and grinning at her. He could play goof and look for his octopus at the same time.

He did almost have a heart attack when a big, finned body swam past him. He let out his breath in a sudden explosion of bubbles, and then swam for the surface to catch his breath. The dolphin surfaced when he did, and breathed a fountain of water onto his head. He giggled, and shoved a wave at the creature, ignoring it to dive back beneath the surface again.

Wc: 351
Total: 2,187
