
Just resting my eyes...

(Near the border)



6 Years
09-06-2020, 06:27 PM

If this was the spirits way of telling Aggie she had been slacking in her training, they could get stuffed. As far as she was concerned, at least for the present moment, whatever powers at work in the world around her were mean-hearted and almost entirely worthless. Her vision swam, duplicating what few trees grew in these grasslands and making it seem as if the ground was rushing up to meet her far more often than she actually stumbled. She felt overheated, yet shivered. She was nauseous yet long past the point of having liquid left to vomit up.

All in all it had been a bad day.

She'd been on the hunt for venomous snakes, which of course wasn't necessarily a safe activity to begin with. She could remember that much. And she had the vague memory of a sting and then a burn as two sharp fangs dug into her forelimb. But as time had gone on, and as Aggie had grown more delirious... facts and certainties began to fade. She knew there was a pack nearby, but where? And how did she know that? She'd met a stranger once, long ago or maybe just last week... There was a pack. Somewhere. She sat down, figuring she'd give herself a moment to rest and maybe it would come back to her. Her eyes slipped closed...

Sharp teeth clamped down on her ear. In her mind the snake had returned, and it was enough to draw her back to the brink of consciousness. It wasn't a snake, but a small creature. Familiar... a friend... "Ylva?" She rasped, voice sounding to her as if she were speaking underwater. "You absolute idiot!" Was there supposed to be two Ylva's? Aggie wasn't sure. "You've put me through a lot over the years, but this? Stay awake, damn you!" The shewolf was too far gone to really register the panic in her friend's voice. "Don' worry, 'Lva... We'll fine th'pack. Just need to... rest a momen'..." Darkness swallowed her yet again.

Ylva's fear and rage manifested in a scream, and she swiped her claws at Aggie's shoulder. "Shit." The red panda scanned the landscape around them, seeking out anything that might be of any help. Turning back to Aggie, she hissed out, "I'm going to go get help. And when you wake up, I'm going to kill you myself." Ylva turned and disappeared into the tall grass, while Aggie dozed.

"Talk" "Listen" Think